lunes, 30 de octubre de 2017


Cultural heritage is, for many people, a topic to be preserved since it is from our ancestors and it should be respected. Among the heritage there are painting, books, monuments, letters, etc. This essay will talk about two of the possible solution imposed by the government to keep preserving cultural heritage. 

One of the options to consider is the construction of new museums and to polish the old ones. Even thought people protest that money should be spent in more important things such as medical cares or road constructions. Many children find museums boring but since they are a key tool for learning kids should visit them more often. The money could be invested in the creation of some new artifact that kids could be interested in.

 A second approach could be an educational campaign in schools. One of the Education’s purposes may be to transmit cultural heritage from generation to generation. Special occasions should be establish with advance in which they promote cultural activities such as visiting museums, listening to legends or myths, practicing regional dances, etc. It would be daunting if children could look at cultural activities as a game.

In my opinion, both options are extremely useful. Maybe, an education campaign would be the most effective starting point but increasing funding of museums should also be considered as one of the most important lines in order to preserve cultural heritage

lunes, 28 de agosto de 2017



The main subject of this report is to make people take notice of the opinion young people have toward elder people. Teenagers tend to be selfish and disrespectful toward the adults while kids are all the way around.

I visited 2 of the most famous schools in my areas where I talk to random kids and ask them what their perspective toward adults was. They told me that adults are a source of wisdom anything you ask them they can answer it. They have sort of respect for their experience in life, what children actually lack the most.

On the other hand when i interview the teenagers it was a completely different story. They find adults boring and unbearable, since they feel like they parents and teachers are controlling their life’s. Some teenagers even told me to get lost.


I highly recommend parents to educate their children to be respectful to the elder people since they have lived too many years more than them. And they can learn a few things from them.

jueves, 6 de julio de 2017

A proposal: Improving workplace communication


The main aim of this report is to explain how to improve workplace communication. To begin with everybody have to know which the problems are.

Current situation

Though my own experience at my work, I discovered that the actual main reason of the bad communication is the inefficient work place. People have to work even though they don´t actually like the work from the morning till the night. That is why people are too tired to be in a good mood. They don’t want to talk to each other; this is the main problem to fix.


Make a better atmosphere in the work place is the best way of making workers feel more comfortable. Here are some tips for doing it:

·        *All meetings shall last less or be divided. Some may find the meeting tedious due to it duration.

·        *Establish little breaks during the work time for people to relax, and maybe have something to eat.

·        *When people feel comfortable at their work their mood will change as well as their productivity and communication among each other.

·        *Have a room for relaxation where workers can talk to each others during this breaks. If you want add some games where they can interact with each other

miércoles, 24 de mayo de 2017

La misiòn definitiva

En Literatura, luego de leer varias historias de viajes espaciales nos asigno una tarea de escribir sobre este tema. El proceso de escritura de esta historia fue bastante tedioso ya que no nos poníamos de acuerdo de que tema escribir, luego de 10 minutos tirando ideas llegamos a esto: Un meteorito amenaza con acabar con la existencia de nuestro planeta. Pero cuatro valientes astronautas emprenden en una misión para salvar a la humanidad. A partir de esta sinapsis escribimos el cuento.